
List of Lists

A List of lists to write:

1. Movies to see/buy
2. Books to read/buy
3. Things to knit
4. things to blog about
5. Places to visit
6. Dishes to cook
7. Music I love
8. TV shows that SUCK
9. Reasons to do things
10. Reasons not to do things
11. Things to Sell
12. Things to buy
13. Ways to be green
14. Ways to appear green
15. Costumes for Halloween
16. Favorite Games
17. Favorite Magazines
18. New music
19. Videos to Download
20. Things...just things.

1 comment:

Kittypinkstars said...

Oooh I love love love lists! I have a lists project coming up! Thanks for coming by my blog.. Lovely to meet you x